Sabtu, 02 April 2016

25 Creative and Cool Food Tattoo Designs

Tattoo designs based on edible items are slowly gaining popularity over other designs for body art, typically consisting of celestial bodies, the heart symbol and the naval anchor. This can be attributed to the fact that the Internet has taken over even our eating habits and patterns. After all the Internet does provide an avenue through which people who love to cook or eat or even read about food can share their recipes, photos of their culinary achievements or even share their eating experience.
We all know that in the earlier generations, preparation of food was part of the routine, since the number of avenues to indulge in outside food was limited. Thereby cooking was considered a mundane chore that one had to undertake to take care of the nourishment needs of self and other family members. Now cooking is more of a choice so it is considered a hobby by many. This makes it a thing to be shared with known and unknown people in the rather infinite realm of the Internet.
Given the way this trend has picked up and the fact that most people love food, it is not surprising that food has started featuring in tattoo designs. The best part of choosing food as the subject of a tattoo design is that there is such a vast array to pick from. This means that there is no dearth of subjects with reference to this subject. Anything from the most exotic preparation to the most mundane of items that are a favorite can be depicted as a tattoo motif. Though most things related to food have gained a lot of popularity, the undesirables while eating like the brussel sprout or the broccoli or the much despised spinach has not caught on even as a tattoo design. Here are 25 Creative and Cool Food Tattoo Designs.
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Food tattoos have quite a different impression on people than the other types of tattoos. The pizza tattoo below does not only look pretty cool, it also ignites taste buds creating a desire to have a piece of the pizza especially for fast food lovers. The place the food tattoo design has been worn is large enough making the whole design to appear great.
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Food tattoos may mean different things for different people, some may have tattoos of the foods they love, others love cooking and would love to identify with specific foods or spices. Like the food tattoo below can be taken to mean the wearer loves cooking and having the symbol of spices on the food tattoo creates some element of satisfaction.
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Different ingredients are also used as features in food tattoos with many people wearing food tattoos preferring tattoos with themes of foodstuff that they cherish. The food tattoo below can be interpreted to mean the wearer’s love for the given spice.
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There are different types of foods and elements used in food tattoo designs. The stand mixer symbol of food tattoo below is a perfect reminder of what the mixer is used for and can be perceived to demonstrate love for the mixer given the great food items it’s used to prepare. The food tattoo design below is well-crafted with a good combination of colours.
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It’s such a great thing to identify with something that you love regardless of what other people may think about it. The cup cake and cookie in the food tattoo below is a perfect show of appreciation for the food items. The food tattoo is perfectly designed with a good blend of other features making the whole tattoo quite appealing to the eyes.
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The food tattoo of a hot dog below is perfectly done and looking so real like it’s a physical hot dog. The place it’s worn is also large enough making the whole food tattoo design look well. Wearing the tattoo below is a great statement of boldness given the place it’s worn and the interpretation that people can give regarding the tattoo.
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Use of animals and beer in a food tattoo is a demonstration of love for meat and beer. The food tattoo below is a perfect work of art blending the features well. The food tattoo below can be worn by those who would love to identify with the products of the features.
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The food tattoo below is a good demonstration of appreciation for vegetables. The tattoo below shows a bunch of asparagus well crafted on the arm. The food tattoo looks quite cool and the place the tattoo is worn together with the body complexion enhances the entire look of the food tattoo.
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Food tattoo designs are quite diverse with a wide range of themes and elements to choose from. The food tattoo below is a good work of art with the leaves of the fruit clearly designed and the fruits well displayed
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This is a mixture of different elements of food tattoo that’s well combined with great features making the whole food tattoo to look quite versatile. The combination shows how we can mix all the foods we love in one place until identifying the main item becomes difficult.
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Food tattoos can also be worn as a way of celebrating the tools used to prepare foods, the spices used in the food and the type of food itself. The tattoo below is a good demonstration of celebrating some food items and can mean the wearer love foods made using the spice or just love spices.
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Black and white corn below is also another common feature in the food tattoos. There are various uses of corn and by wearing the tattoo, it can be perceived to mean that the wearer appreciates corn and the various benefits we derive from the food tattoo.
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The food tattoo below looks spectacular with the ice cream cube and the flowers well spread on the feet creating such a beautiful combination of colour and themes. Ther’s no specific part of the body where food tattoo should be worn a fact that engages the creativity of the wearer to decide on a place that communicates his ideas well.
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It’s advisable to do your research for food tattoo well given the fact that not all foods that taste great make good looking food tattoos. The below food tattoo blends quite well with the body complexion creating a perception that the wearer is a fun of bread.
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Use of eating tools is a perfect demonstration of appreciation for the items and what we use them for. The tattoo below is a perfect work of art with the colours enhancing the entire look of the food tattoo.
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The food tattoo design below shows fresh carrots that are well designed with a combination of nice colours. The food tattoo looks spectacular on the arm where its used and can be a constant reminder for a person who’s dieting or focusing on taking vegetables to stay focused.
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The below food tattoo is a collection of vegetables and an ideal demonstration of celebration for vegetables. Wearing the tattoo depicts a close preference for vegetables.
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Once a person is addicted to specific types of food, giving up the habit becomes a real struggle even if one knows the problems the addiction can cause. Food tattoo like the one below can be perceived as a warning of not eating certain foods. Having the tattoo on is a constant reminder of what you should avoid at all costs.
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This is a real mix of food tattoo with different features and food items. The food tattoo below is well designed with colours that make it more visible and appealing. The meaning of food tattoo is often given by the wearer.
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Sushi is a great food stuff and wearing the food tattoo below with signs of sushi creates fresh feelings for the food . Sushi is a great Japanese dish and the place the tattoo is designed makes it look quite spectacular and unique.
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The habit of taking tea is one that many cultures can identify with as demonstrated in the food tattoo below that’s depicting a clear picture of a kettle pouring tea. The tattoo is well designed with a good blend of colours making it fit perfectly on the finger.
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For vegetable lovers, having the foodstuff on as a tattoo is suitable and an ideal way of appreciating the diet. The fruits in the food tattoo below look quite ripe and ready for consumption. The place where the tattoo is worn is quite visible creating an element of desire for the fruit into the people that get to look at it.
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Having a look at the french fries alone ignites immediate hunger and desire for the food items. The food tattoo below is a great statement to fast food lovers and can be perceived as a symbol that the wearer enjoys french fries greatly to the extent of choosing to identify with them by having the food tattoo right on the arms.
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There are different motivations behind every tattoo design and the person wearing it. Every tattoo worn comes with a specific meaning and theme that it communicates to the wearer and viewers. The meaning and reason for wearing specific tattoos is unique to the wearer and he can decide what meaning best suits the tattoo worn.
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Getting a glance of peanut butter dripping is enough to awaken those taste buds. The food tattoo below looks quite appetizing and cool given place where the tattoo is worn also enhances the appearance of the tattoo.
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