Sabtu, 02 April 2016

35 Naughty and Sexy Pin up Girl Tattoos

It is every guy’s fantasy to be able to look at a beautiful well stacked girl ( let us face it guys, that is the truth) at all times. Now you can! How? Simply get a tattoo that features a pinup girl. Apart from the simple pleasure of being able to look and touch your favorite pinup girl, you will also be considered really cool. Why? Because getting a tattoo featuring the beauteous pinup girl is a hot trend right now.
Pin up girl tattoos were used as a perfect expression of beauty and feminity. The tattoos were commonly worn by sailors and was adapted as a part of pop culture during the time, which led to their populaity. Pin up girls are worn by both men and women, however they mean diffent things to the wearers. Most women wear pin up girl tattoo as a symbol of beauty, female strength, a feeling of looking sexy and for fun as well. The men wear the pin up tattoos as a symbol of women they love, adore or women they miss being with.
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Seeing a beautiful girl wearing pin up girl tattoo reinforces the beauty while creating more attraction. Like in the design below, the pin up tattoo design below is large enough and fits well on the thighs. The pin up tattoo below does not only create appeal but draw attention to the specific part it’s worn making it more attractive.
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Just like a pinup girl’s attractiveness would inspire somebody to hang her pictures on the wall for viewing whenever desired, the pin up girl tattoo below looks great on the girls arm. The tattoo is simply designed in one colour with features of the pin up girl well exposed. The pin up girl tattoo below reveals those feminine features that enhance a girl’s beauty. The colour combination is great and blends well with the body complexion.
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There’s nothing that makes a tattoo look great like when the right colours are used that blends well with body complexion. The pin up girl tattoo below looks fabulous as it covers the larger part behind the upper arm. The design reveals the pin up girls outfit looking beautiful with pink flower design giving a perfect blend. The fresh flowers held by the wearer draws attention to the pin up girl tattoo design making the whole artwork great.
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Lovely is the word that befits the pin up girl tattoo design below. The colour combination is perfect and the tattoo looks simple with colours blended well, creating a perception of a girl that’s classy and sophisticated yet simple.
Pin Up Girl Tattoos
Pinup girls and tattoos have quite a rich history of going together. Beautiful women in provocative poses with a few choice words have been something that men love to look at, whether on the wall or on the computer screen does not matter. The natural follow up is the tattoo of a girl who looks amazing from all angles. You would be the subject of much envy with such a tattoo on your body. But read on further to know what your options are and how you can customize your tattoo design to make it uniquely your own.
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Pin up girl tattoo can be personalised to bring out features that one would love to have. It’s also a way of displaying some unique qualities you would love to identify with. The type of pin up girl tattoo used can be a source of inspiration in regard to any quality you would want to attain as a girl. The pin up girl tattoo below can be considered to carry some personal motivation for the wearer given where it’s worn.
The pin up girl  tattoo below is a perfect work of art. The tattoos look great on both men and women, however the inspiration behind wearing the pin up girl tattoo might not be the same. Men are likely to wear pin up girl tattoo as a symbol of their ideal beautiful girl which might be the case in the tattoo design below. The tattoo below depicts perfect beauty with the entire body well displayed living little to the imagination.
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But when we talk about pinup girls we are not referring to those girls in tacky and vulgar outfits but those who look good. What we are trying to say is that any tattoo design that has good looking female as a part of it would be considered a pinup tattoo design. Originally this would mean the display of the whole length of a woman as part of design. Mostly these designs bending over to reach out for something or even lying there drinking a glass of wine.
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The type of pin up girl tattoo worn can also be taken to communicate the nature or some aspect of the wearer’s personality. The tattoo below looks cool on the arm with the beautiful hairdo and the blend of colours used in the design. The tattoo exposes the open chest creating some sexy laid back look.
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The design of the pin up girl tattoo below is quite dynamic and a great work of art. The girl looks quite gorgeous with outfits that exposes the body perfectly well. The mixture of colours blend quite well and elicits attraction to the tattoo.
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A pinup girl tattoo can be combined with other things to come up with a great combination. Earlier the sailors would combine the pinup girl tattoo with features of their favourite girls. You can also go with other symbols that portent good luck to you like a clover leaf or a horseshoe or some such things. Combine your passions of the moment or a lucky charm with that of a girl who looks amazing and you have an amazing combination.
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The tattoo design below is like the wearer is saying this is my ideal girl. The smiling face and the outfit make the tattoo appear more bright and spectacular. The additional features included at the base of the tattoo creates a good blend with the entire pin up girl tattoo making it to appear more sophisticated.
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What makes pin up girl tattoo to be more appealing is the fabulous feminine features that the tattoos clearly brings out. The pin up girl tattoo below has effectively enhanced the girls body features and the arm where the tattoo is worn making it more captivating to the eyes.
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A classic pinup girl look: With the revival of the popularity and preference of the pinup girl as a tattoo design, many of the old designs are making a comeback in a big way. With the come closer of a bold and beautiful woman staring from behind a glass or a revived version of the old classics. Many people seem to have a liking for the look of women in retro looking clothes and have gone for these tattoo designs.
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The most common areas in which these tattoos are preferred are the arms, back and thighs.
The upper portion of the arm. This happens to be site of choice since time immemorial.
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Pin up girl tattoo designs has a way of igniting attention given the elaborate sexy features that are well exposed. The pin up tattoo below looks fabulous with the colour combination that enhances the entire look of the tattoo.
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Pin ups were originally pictures of celebrities that were pinned on the walls and was a very common practice with many people. The same drive has been brought in identifying with pin up girl tattoos. The below tattoo design looks great if worn by a gentleman and a perfect reflection of what the ideal girl would look like.
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The calf area of the leg – a slightly larger area for the design to be done and can be covered when wanted. Plus the movement of the muscles can make for interesting contortions.
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Side of the body – Again an area that provides ample space and can be easily covered if needed. The tattoo below looks elegant with the combination of colours and the theme used creating a spectacular appeal.
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It’s important to take time and decide on the tattoo you desire to wear to avoid any regret that may arise after inking the tattoo. Pin up girl tattoos are quite unique and dynamic in design like the girl tattoo below that looks simple yet very well designed and worn in a place that brings that whole look of the tattoo.
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Pin up girl tattoos are quite versatile yet they don’t have specific meanings. The tattoos can be customized with a theme that the wearer finds suitable to bring the meaning desired. The pin up tattoo below is incorporated with different themes and features creating some element of horror given the additional features included.
Pinup Tattoo
Of course when it comes to detailed tattoos you have to consider the cost factor. There is no doubt that a classy looking pinup girl tattoo is going to cost you quite a bit. If your budget is tight then you can go in for a flash variety and go for that. This is a more cost effective alternative. But if you want your tattoo to stand out in terms of the look, detail work and colors then you have to be prepared for the cost and time to be spent on it.
Some sexy examples of Sexy Pin up Girls Tattoos:
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Pin up tattoo’s were in the first place idealized thoughts of what some people thought attractive women should look like. An attractive woman is perceived to have body features appearing perfectly well like in the pin up tattoo below that enhances the facial appearance, breasts and stomach which are key features that define beauty.
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Designers of Pin up girl tattoos are flexible to inking any design that the wearer might be interested in.  One can even design a tattoo that resembles an individual. Using one colour in a tattoo looks perfectly well especially if done on the skin with the right complexion like in the pin up girl tattoo below.
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It’s important to keep the pin up girl tattoos classic even when blending with other features and themes. Pin up girl tattoos are known to portray beauty and femininity and mixing the tattoo with features that portray the contrary is likely to compromise the general outlook and appeal of the tattoo. The tattoo below looks elegant and well designed in place that means the tattoo has a special meaning to the wearer.
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Pin up girl tattoo designs became popular during the second world war and were put on as a way to boost the morale of the soldiers. It was also a kind of progression from having the beautiful pinups on the wall to being actually tattooed on the body. The tattoos can be personalized and designed in a variety of poses as the pin up girl tattoo below. The pose of the tattoo design is just sexy and elegant with the choice of the colours used creating that fascinating, eye-catching look.
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Given the size of the pin up tattoos, they look best when worn on larger parts of the body to be able to achieve that attractive look. Places like the upper parts of the arms, the back, thighs are some of the areas that brings out that elegant look of the pin up girl tattoo just like in the design below. The one colour used on the tattoo looks simple and quite beautiful.
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Unlike the current pin up girl tattoos, the traditional ones had classic elements like the hairstyles, skirt dresses and the stockings clearly shown in the designs. The current pin up girl tattoos are far much classy with a complex blend of elements that clearly define the modern sexy girl just like in the picture below.
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Pin up girl tattoos can be enhanced with themes like zombie, vampire, horror and any other theme as deemed suitable by the user. The themes can be incorporated with interesting ideas that make the entire design beautiful.The pin up girl tattoo below is beautifully designed with the body features like the face, breasts, lower body parts well exposed and quite eye-catching.
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Lovely pin up tattoo design below, the pose, outfits and theme used create an ideal picture of a gorgeous girl with the eyes saying it all. The design looks great when worn by either men or women.
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Pin up girl tattoo design below is quite appealing with an alluring sexy look that any man would find irresistible to look at. The vivid colour mixture makes it more attractive and having such a tattoo worn by a man may mean having a beautiful girl by your side all through.
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Wearing a pin up girl tattoo is quite different from wearing other types of tattoo’s mostly because in a pin up girl tattoo you’re wearing the image of a real person which makes the whole experience different. The pin up girl tattoo below symbolizes sexiness and enhances the features that define femininity.
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