Sabtu, 02 April 2016

35 Amazing Ripped Skin Tattoo Art Designs

The trends in the tattoo world too tend to veer in every direction. Like there have been trends in clothing and hairstyles towards the weird and unusual, so have tattoos. In the tattoo world one such weird and almost gory but absolutely riveting that has come about is that of tattoos that are made in such a way that they look like the skin has been ripped off and you can see beneath it.
Women 3D Tattoos
ripped skin tattoo (12)
ripped skin tattoo (20)
ripped skin tattoo (30)
Artistically speaking achieving this is rather a difficult task, but the results are well worth it considering the amount of looks you will be getting. A three dimensional effect is attained and it seems like people can peep into your skin. This trend may seem a little offbeat at first but when you take a look at such ripped skin tattoos, you will realize why this trend has caught on.
ripped skin tattoo (9)
ripped skin tattoo (8)
ripped skin tattoo (18)
ripped skin tattoo (25)
Some of the noted works in this regard are:
  1. Making it look like the musculature underneath your skin is visibleripped skin tattoo (5)
  2. Rendering the artwork in such a way as to seem as though there is a machine under your skinripped skin tattoo (15)ripped skin tattoo
  3. Looking as if the skin has been ripped and patched together with stitches which have opened up to reveal the writing withinripped skin tattoo (13)
  4. A version of a super hero’s costume emerging from your torn skinripped skin tattoo (2)ripped skin tattoo (21)
  5. Showing the blood vessels etc under the skinripped skin tattoo (24)
  6. The design making it look like the broken skin is oozing bloodripped skin tattoo (29)
  7. Bizarre artwork seeming to pop out of the skin
  8. The showing of a patriotic theme under the skin.ripped skin tattoo (11)
The visual impact that a ripped skin tattoo can create is undeniable. But before getting one, do give thought to the fact that it is always going to get you a lot of attention and whether you will be able to handle it. A tattoo that too one which is bound to have a whole range of reactions and that too negative, needs careful consideration beforehand.
We’ve not finished yet. Some Amazing Ripped Skin Tattoo Art Designs are showcased below:
ripped skin tattoo (1)
ripped skin tattoo (3)
ripped skin tattoo (4)
ripped skin tattoo (6)
ripped skin tattoo (7)
ripped skin tattoo (10)
ripped skin tattoo (14)
ripped skin tattoo (16)
ripped skin tattoo (17)
ripped skin tattoo (19)
ripped skin tattoo (22)
ripped skin tattoo (23)
ripped skin tattoo (26)
ripped skin tattoo (28)
ripped skin tattoo (31)

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