Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

25 Faith Tattoo Designs For Men

What is life if one has no faith? This is a question that mankind has pondered over the years and failed to come up with an answer. The fact is that for most people  faith is a very important par of their life and provides them much needed strength during time of crisis.
While most people relate the word faith to that on God or some other divine power, faith is not restricted to just that. It could also mean faith in oneself or on a loved one. But in the most accepted sense people of different religion put their faith in their respective gods. No matter on what or whom you have faith on , we all have to acknowledge that it is a powerful emotion and is the moving force in our world. Is it then a wonder that it is used in tattoo designs?
Designs based on Faith
Most tattoos that people dedicate to faith tend to have the actual word “faith” in it. The difference in the design may come due to the actual font that is used to write the word. Some people add other elements that are significant to the faith tattoo to make it more special and more personal.
Here is a look at the variations of the faith tattoo:
On the wrist: If you are thinking of writing the actual word in an attractive font then this is a good location for the tattoo. But make sure that you pick a great font or else the tattoo may not quite have the same impact.
On the bicep: This can also look great as the bicep is a good choice but the thing is that when you show the tattoo to others you will have to put up a pose and this may be irking after a while. You can make the design look interesting by adding other symbols and elements to it.
On the rib: The display of the faith tattoo on a rib is once again an interesting choice due to the location as well as the design possibilities.
With scripture form the Hebrews 11: This type of tattoo draws inspiration from the bible and has a reference to a scripture in it along with the word faith. It is almost as if the person having the tattoo wants people to know about the source and inspiration for his faith.
On the neck: This can really look good as the nape of the neck looks really vulnerable and the word faith tattooed across can create a powerful impact. But the thing about tattoos on the neck is that they are visible to all and you need to consider this before getting  on there.
With a butterfly: This is an instance when the word faith has been combined with an ethereal butterfly. It is a beautiful and interesting combination.
The thing about faith in general is that though we may not realize it, it is indeed one of the forces that keeps us moving and hoping. Thereby the logical progression of this is in the world of tattoos is that it carries a lot of symbolism. Many people choose the tattoo they get done as a means of expressing their faith and take inspiration from the tattoo when they feel hope waning away.
So if you are considering getting a faith tattoo, please do ensure that it looks good and has all the elements that you believe in. As with any kind of tattoo and body art, we would advise you to think, research and ponder deeply before proceeding with the actual process.
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