Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

29 Cool Grim Reaper Tattoo Designs

Grim Reaper Tattoos are such a fantastic and creative piece of artwork that it never appears to be repetitious and ubiquitous every time you see. The detailing of the artwork and superb quality of the work makes these tattoos very attractive and interesting.
So, we have come up today with a collection of unique and out of the box designs of Grim Reaper Tattoos that can fascinate you and inspire you for your next tattoo.
Grim Reaper Tattoo at Rest
  1. In this tattoo, it seems as if the Grim Reaper is resting his sickle on his shoulder and is not in a mood to do much work. This can make you less terrified, I hope so! The white ink in the eyes give the eyes a shining look as if the eyes are glazed over or made of some sort of glass. The hood on the grim reaper and the teeth within the skull look very well done an realistic.

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Grim Reaper Tattoo and Spooky Tree
2. This tattoo portrays the image of the place where the Grim Reaper walks and dwells before coming for his victims. The tree gives a genuine horror look to this tattoo and the elements of the design go well with each other. The tattoo artist did a great job of fitting this usually large and wide piece onto the arm. The whole tattoo flows well around each other and gives you a real sense of fear when you are looking at it.
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Grim Reaper Tattoo beneath your skin
3. This unique design of tattoo appears as if there is some kind of world beneath the skin, in which the Reaper holds the sickle in such a way that the ripped flesh areas are made to look like the end of the sickle. Their is so much detail within this tattoo that its actually very impressive. It seems almost like the grim reaper is coming out of the skin while at the same time coming on some sort of dark cloud. This reminds me of some sort of bad dream you may be having and the grim reaper is coming for you.
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Grim Reaper Tattoo with some already harvested souls
4. The most fantastic element about this tattoo is the image of souls behind the Grim Reaper who seem to be waiting behind him to see who’s next to come and join them. Not noticeable at first look, but a deep look makes you notice the souls in the bottom part of the robe of the Grim Reaper which look terrifying.
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Grim Reaper Tattoo in act of taking soul
5. This tattoo has an extraordinary look as it gives the appearance of motion of the Grim Reaper who is in the act of taking his next soul with him. This fantastic tattoo design has all the details of the art work and can make you pray that the Grim Reaper is not looking at you.
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Grim Reaper Tattoo ready to throw the dice
6. This cool tattoo is unique because here, the Grim Reaper is in a mood to play with you, although you may not want to. The attractive part is the shadowing of the Grim Reaper holding the dice and appearing as if asking,”Shall we?”
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Grim Reaper with Hockey stick sickle
7. This one is very creative and detailed too. Here the Grim Reaper is holding a hockey stick, the one that was used by the goalie. The unique part is the hood lying on the head of the skull and the flowing tattered robe draping down from there.
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Grim Reaper Tattoo with Hourglass
8. The main focus of this tattoo is on the hourglass in front of the Grim Reaper. The message of TIME UP is well described by the chain hanging off the sickle and attached to the hourglass. This cool design has a very detailed work and looks fabulous.
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. Although, you may find many tattoos attractive and cool,  the most important thing is to understand the meaning of the tattoo completely. Do not rush for a tattoo that you do not connect with your feelings and understanding. Go for a tattoo on which you have researched completely because tattoos are your lifetime companions. You would not like to regret at a later stage in your life. Some ideas for Grim Reaper Tattoo:
9. This is an incredible back piece that would have taken hours upon hours upon hours. The tattoo not only is filled with color, but it is also filled with movement and character. The purple cloak of the grim reaper stands out in the middle of the tattoo and the horse on which he is riding with flames coming out of its eyes gives the whole tattoo a fierce look. As the flames rise, the smoke billows and it is perfectly done. The scythe is large and threatening and you can tell by the multiple skulls that it has taken a number of souls already. This is a very well done tattoo.
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10. this take on the grim reaper is a little different then what we are used to seeing but I like it. the grim reaper looks shorter than usual and it seems like he has angel wings as well. The long fingernails give this grim reaper a ghoulish figure and instills a Halloween like scare to it
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11. the movement in this tattoo is so awesome. You can almost sense that this tattoo of a grim reaper is going to walk of the skin and tell you that you are next. The details within the cloak, hands, and smoke really allow this tattoo to come to life.
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12. This is a grim reminder that we all have a certain amount of time on this earth and that eventually the grim reaper will come knocking when our time is up. the light blue in this tattoo give this grim reaper a cool glow that is also accented by the green eyes and mouth glow. The slight yet bold reds give this tattoo a very cool pop.
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13. The thing that I notice right away in this tattoo are the eyes that are flaming in the dark shadows of this hooded grim reaper. The scythe that he is holding is actually beautiful and abstract. The scythe itself looks like it is its own piece of art work. The chain that is flowing effortlessly brings this whole tattoo to life as well.
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14. I love the detail In this grim reaper tattoo. This looks like a photograph taken a long time ago of a grim reaper. It has an older and timely feel to it. The old wooden handle to the scythe and the style of cloak give me the impression that this is an old school grim reaper.
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15. This is a cool American style grim reaper tattoo. The solid and clean black lines make for simple and bold tattoo. The impressive style of shading gives this tattoo a grainy look and gives it the sense of texture. You feel like you are going to touch sandpaper when you look at this tattoo. This is a very well executed tattoo.
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16. Once again the simple and light blues within the skull give this grim reaper a glowing look. The mix of both the symbol of death and the beautiful flower that is filled with color is a great mix of both life and death. The dark shading and the bright colors in flower compliment each other very well and bring this piece together as a whole.
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17. I love how this grim reaper has no face at all. It gives it more of a mysterious and dark feeling to the whole tattoo. The smoke behind the grim reaper gives this large tattoo just the right amount of movement. With this whole thing being black and grey, it would be easy to lose the main focus within the greys and blacks, but the artist did a great job of not letting that happen.
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18. This is a fun and playful grim reaper. This grim reaper looks more like a cartoon character rather than a scary and deathly figure that is ready to come and get you. The solid reds and oranges make the right parts of this tattoo stick out and drops of blood coming off of the scythe are a great touch.

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19. This grim reaper is A-O-K! As you can see from the hand of this grim reaper, he is as happy as can be. The gold tooth helps us to assume that this canvas likes to have a good time and enjoys a good laugh. This grim reaper tattoo keeps the classic American style alive while at the same time throwing in sense of humor.
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20. This is a very fascinating and original tattoo. The way that grim reaper is a part of the stair case is very very clever. As you can see the woman is running away from death down the stairs but she is also carrying her own head. This tattoo suggests that though she may be running from death, she is already doomed to the fate that the grim reaper promises for all of us. The shadow on the stairs and the emptiness with the face of the grim reaper really allows it to feel like this tattoo has multiple meanings.

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21.  This Grim Reaper tattoo is scary and ready for some serious business. The sunken in, hollow eyes in the glow behind them will put fear straight into you. The missing bottom jaw in the jagged teeth create a whole new level of fear. The red and black cloak is beautiful, ragged, and flowing in the wind. This tattoo is well done and perfectly executed.

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22.  This Grim Reaper is draped in the Confederate flag. As blood is dripping off of this Grim Reaper’s size, in the combination of those green crazy eyes, you can tell that this Grim Reaper is ready to strike. The color is very well  done and the detail in the skeleton hand is well executed as well. This puts a fun and colorful spin on what is typically a dreadful and dark character.

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23. It is not often that you see a blue Cloak  on the Grim Reaper.  This Grim Reaper’s school reminds me of a sugar school that you would see in the Latin American culture. With the well detailed it skeleton hands and the giant size looming overhead it creates a beautiful Image of the Grim Reaper.


24. I wonder if Becky was visited by the Grim Reaper.  The colors throughout this tattoo are  The colors throughout this tattoo are one not only beautiful, but they are also very well-placed. The hints of purple with in the cloak of the Grim Reaper and the flames that start at the bottom and moved to the top of this tattoo are very impressive. The bright green leaves and the flower that is in the center of the tattoo bring life to this deathly creature.

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25 this American flag draped Grim Reaper is ready to come take your soul. My guess is that this tattoo is supposed to symbolize the power and dominance of America.  The bold and bright colors of the American flag really standout in this tattoo. The lack of face in this Grim Reaper makes it less personal.

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26.  This is a creepy and the black-and-white version of the Grim Reaper. It looks as if he is tiptoeing around trying to sneak up on his next victim. The size of this Grim Reaper is slim and narrow and the sickle looks like it has a mixture of tribal tattoo  mixed into it. if the shading on this tattoo is very well done and the shadowing is beautiful as well. This tattoo artist knows exactly what he is doing.

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27.  That this tattoo would have taken a long time and many sessions. The wings coming off of the Grim Reaper are filled with detail and add an angelic element to this Grim Reaper. The term angel of death fits well for this Grim Reaper. The detail with in the spine, the missing teeth and the giant sword are incredible. The amount of time that the Cloak would’ve taken to complete is impressive as well as there is so much detail and waves in it. The skeleton looks like it is so real.

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28.  This is a fun tattoo of a Grim Reaper with his sickle scraping the skin. It’s almost like this person had a brush with death but ended up making it through. The gold tooth and the playful background colors show that this person likes to have fun  and has an outgoing personality. The playful drops of blood in the red eyes show the artistic capability of this tattoo artist. This is the classic American traditional style of tattooing.

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29.  This tattoo is hard to make out but if you look closely you can tell that this Grim Reaper is actually a woman. With the leg showing just a little bit And some cleavage showing as well you can quickly figure out the gender. It’s hard to tell what is on the end of the stick and I am not sure if this tattoo was done by a professional or not.

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We hope that you enjoyed visiting our website and this blog. We assure you to keep on bringing various tattoo trends regularly to you and fascinate you with the most interesting and attractive artworks. Keep visiting our website for new updates. And don’t forget to post your comments about this post. You can also share your different tattoo experiences with us.

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