Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

25 Nose Piercings Ideas That Can Change Your Look

Thinking of getting a nose piercing? Just as with any type of facial piercing, many people become apprehensive about nose piercings despite how badly they may want one. This is mainly due to the fact that their job may not approve of facial piercings, their families may not like the concept of a nose piercing or they may just be hesitant about taking the piercing out when they need to. For whatever the reason, there are plenty more pros to nose piercings than there are cons! There are actually several different types of piercings and body jewelery that individuals are using in their nose that has changed the look of this type of piercing altogether.
While the majority of individuals get their nose pierced as a single stud on either outer nostril, many also take advantage of more unique body jewelry such as hoops or barbells. While the lower center part of the nose can also be pierced, although it is not as common as traditional nose piercings.
Nose piercings can be worn for traditional cultural reasons as well. Many cultures such as Hindu and Muslim, use body piercings to represent certain coming of age ceremonies and social status within their culture. The first form of nose piercings were sported by the Native Americans and have been since used to mark occasions such as age, marital status, and rank within the tribes.
You may often see young girls wearing dainty studded nose rings that are often magnetic. While you may not be able to tell from afar, the most common reason for magnetic body jewelry is to get used to the position of the stud in your nose to ensure that you are in fact comfortable enough to get the actual nose piercing. Common misconceptions of this type of piercing is that it creates a gaping hole in your nose once removed. This is far from the truth. While you will have a small, almost microscopic hole where your piercing would have rested, nose piercings actually close much faster than one would think.
How to Properly Care for Nose Piercings
Just as any other form of body piercing, a nose piercing requires care and attention at all times. Immediately after the piercing is done, many professionals recommend turning the jewelry slowly as you lubricate it to ensure you avoid infection. This motion creates a passageway for the lubrication to seep into the piercing and ensure the entire hole is protected  – both inside and on the surface. Once it is fully healed, you should remove the jewelry on a regular basis and clean it individually with alcohol or an antiseptic cleanser.
While a nose piercing is more commonly seen on women than men, this is not to say that it is a feminine type of body piercing. In fact, many men do opt to get nose piercings, but at the same time are more likely to sport a hoop than a plain stud. You will often see more men that prefer the hoop through the bottom portion of the nose as well. Before you decide which type of nose piercings are right for you, you should consider a few common factors. Many individuals with smaller or longer faces often opt for studded nose jewelry to balance their facial features. Round or heart shaped aces often prefer other types of jewelry such as hoops or barbells to maintain their facial proportion more effectively.
Despite the style or tradition that you are looking to upkeep with your nose piercing – you will surely find that there are various types of jewelry to accommodate all fashion senses. Here are some other examples of how amazing nose piercings really are and how they can help you accent your best facial features perfectly.

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