Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

25 Outstanding Umbrella Tattoo Design Art Ideas

One of the interesting tattoo designs that you can come up with is one featuring the umbrella. It is one design element that the whole world is familiar with. The umbrella is the symbol for protection against the elements of nature like rain and sunshine. The word umbrella is also used to depict other forms of protection in terms of insurance and other benefits. This tattoo is popular with both the genders and has a lot of interesting design possibilities.
Since the umbrella is one thing that travels with us and also used in locations like the beach or the poolside as something permanent, it comes in many colors, sizes and shapes. You will find that with the wide variety of shapes, hues and sizes there is a huge array of designs that you can pick from.
In nature when the rains are pouring down the umbrella is the first thing we reach out to help protect us, thereby an umbrella is also seen symbolically something that protects us. Many women in the past use to carry decorative umbrellas also called parasols that used to protect their delicate skin from the wrath of the sun. In places like England where rain is a constant then umbrella is something that both men and women are never without. It is almost like an accessory to the rest of their attire.
When it comes to the tattoo design featuring umbrellas it ranges from the colorful and picturesque to the downright fanciful. The umbrella can be shown with the element of nature like hail, sunshine and rains that it protects us from. But it can also be shown with geishas, fairies, pixies, stars, birds and other elements. Some like to show the umbrella with an eye. Though really simple the umbrella design can be made colorful and lovely by playing around with hues and other added elements
Some show the umbrella in a fanciful way as being a shield against many things. Some might prefer to show the beach umbrella bringing back memories of the beach, the sun, the sea and the sands. We can also take a page from the past and show the umbrella as ornate and decorated when it was part of elaborate ceremonies as it was carried to protect the deity or the royals when they were part of the procession.
As far as the symbolism of this tattoo design is concerned it simply means cover and protection, shade from the rays of the sun, sheltering from harm, travelling, wealth and also sometimes a regal lineage.
With umbrella design you can go wild by using your imagination. You can go with realistic elements or go completely fanciful and show things that are only part of the imaginary world. Or if you want to go with a emotional theme you can show the protection that a parent or parents afford to a child with the help of a simple umbrella.  Or you can kindle the inspiration of  a different world by showing umbrellas that are not run of the mill. Or you can have a quotation or a name put of the umbrella design to show your dedication to this maxim or the person whose name you have inscribed. Some even use the umbrella as a means of showing family solidarity.
As with any tattoo do give due consideration to the expense, the time spent and the future consequences elements of getting a tattoo. If you are sure and fully committed and convinced on all these counts, then it is a matter of finalizing the design and the artist you will work with.
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