Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

30 Behind the Ear Tattoos

Mini tattoos behind the ear are a great addition to your tattoo collection. While they’re both small enough to be overlooked by most people, they’re still bold as anything since they’re actually tattooed on your skull! From kitties to megaphones, as long as it’s small, you can put it behind the ear.
Just imagine that you are sitting near your computer doing your work and your colleague who is passing by says, “ Do not move, there is a bug in your ear”. You can grin, turn around and tell them that it is an ear tattoo.
An ear tattoo is something that you can get when you are dying to make a rebellious statement, but do not want to make too much of a splash. What is the use of that? You ask. Just think about it, you get to do something that you have always wanted to do but without being a point of controversy in places like where you work or with your in-laws. After all tattoos are about expressing yourself and symbolism and need not always be loud and visible.
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The ear is a great location as there is scope for making it hidden if you want or selectively display it. You can get it on shell of the ear, behind the ear, on your ear lobe or the area from behind your ear to the neck. The possibilities are endless. A lot of people like to get in on the flat of the upper ear rim.
In case you are bored with the tattoo, the ear tattoo is easy enough to be removed; simply lop of the ear. Just kidding!
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On a serious note, if you are considering an ear tattoo, the way to go would be with smaller ones. After all the area you have to work with is limited. But you can and should let your imagination, the talent of the artist and some research give you some mind blowing results that are worth the strain.
As with any tattoo, do spend time thinking about your motivations behind getting the tattoo and also the fact that you have to live with it forever. According to people who have gotten a tattoo on the ear, the pain is quite tolerable.  It goes without saying that you do have to resist the itching that will occur when the tattoo area  is healing. You will have to resist scratching that itch but this is essential for the tattoo to heal well and look good in the long run.
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Do consider all the pros and cons of getting an ear tattoo. A tattoo never augurs well for you in the long run if it is an impulse decision. Every aspect of the tattoo starting from the why and what of design to the time and commitment in terms of money should be considered. Also do consider that a tattoo may have implications on the future if you are prepared to deal with it.
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Plus in an ear tattoo, you do have to consider that though it is easier to conceal a tattoo on the face or the neck, it is still going to be visible. This means that you have to be prepared to answer the questions and doubts that people may raise about it.
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In case you are prepared for all these factors, then move on to researching a design that will work with the particular area that you are getting tattooed. Then talk to the artist about how much time your ear tattoo will require along with the pain and cost factor. Only then you should  go ahead with it.
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Some of the design possibilities include:
  • A small and cute design on the ear lobe,
  • A secret and significant design behind the ear,
  • An elaborate design that covers the entire ear,
  • A long and involved design from the tip of the ear to the neck.
ear back tattoo
These Examples of Behind The Ear Tattoo may help you :
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