are beautiful, majestic, wise, strong, and just all around amazing.
Getting a tree inked onto your body shows that you appreciate life,
love, and your roots too! We check out some of the best tree tattoos
going around that we think really compliment the model. Have a browse
through these pic for some tattoo inspiration.
Trees have always
been important to various cultures and have been a symbol of life making
tree tattoos that much more popular. These beautiful tattoos can be
dated back centuries to the beginning of tattooing and have become an
incredibly rich symbol that can mean a multitude of different things
including regeneration, life, and rejuvenation. Many of the meanings
that have been cultured with tree tattoo designs can be in part to the
various stages that trees go through throughout the year such as spring,
summer, fall, and winter. You will also find that there is a lot of
symbolism in the tree that is chosen for the tattoo as Cherry trees,
Palms, Willows, Pines, Oak, and various others have separate meanings of
their own as well that should be considered when getting a tree tattoo.
Here are 60 amazing designs that can bring you inspiration and the
meaning that may be behind them.
1. Positive & Negative Tree
matter how you turn this tattoo, it is focusing on the roots and
branches of the tree. This could mean a deep connection in the past with
a willingness to explore the unknown.
2. Orange Autumn Leaves
beautiful tree of vibrant orange leaves is clearly a tattoo of an oak
in autumn. The oak has always been viewed as possessing the meaning of
nobility and wisdom.
3. Woman in the Cherry Tree
breathtaking tattoo could have a variety of different meanings, as the
figure of the woman can play many different roles in the interpretation.
However, it could most definitely have something to do with
4. Tree of the Dead
A tree surrounded by skulls simply seems terrifying, but could point to a deeper meaning of death and rebirth.
5. Headless in the Apple Tree
this is a play on Eve and the apple is hard to say, however there is
clearly a woman’s figure in the tree but her head is completely missing.
6. Cherry Blossom Lovers
China, the cherry tree is a symbol of love as well as feminine beauty
and authority. This beautiful tattoo not only captures that meaning, but
is unique as the many butterflies flutter around these lovers.
7. Black Birds of the Oak
the bare branches in a tree tattoo represent old age, however the birds
are a symbol of freedom. Even more traditionally, this tattoo would be
considered a dead tree and used to remember or memorialize the death of a
loved one.
8. I Climbed the Tree
The quote “I climbed the tree to see the world…” is from a song called To Build a Home by Cinematic Orchestra.
9. Photosynthesis
Either this tattoo is portraying the process of photosynthesis or is a variation of the tree of life.
10. Forest of Love
This tattoo of a forest of pines is likely to represent family considering the names above the script.
11. Pine
adorable little pine tree tattoo could be a symbol of tradition,
however the Native Americans believed they were a symbol of serenity.
12. Tree of Love
trees are a symbol of strength and incorporating the heart shape into
the branches of this tree could mean a strength in love.
13. Tiny Tree
While the bare branches of a tree may symbolize old age, this tiny bare tree could have a meaning all its own.
14. Bear in the Forest
use of the bear in this forest of trees could symbolize the serenity of
reflection, as the pine trees are symbols of serenity while the bear
embodies reflection.
15. Towering Cypress
Cypress tree possesses several meanings depending on the culture,
however it is commonly seen as a symbol of mourning and protection
making it a wonderful tattoo.
16. Tiny Pine
tiny tree, while looking like a cypress is actually a pine as the base
is wider above the trunk that is shown. The placement of this little
pine tree is a bit strange, the symbolism is still that of serenity.
17. Pine Tree on Spine
Spinal tattoos hurt, making it ironic that someone would put a symbol of serenity on their spine such as the pine tree.
18. Willow
symbolism of the willow is that of healing and freedom making it the
perfect tree to get a tattoo of. The placement of this little willow is
wonderful and looks wonderful on the ankle.
19. Bare Tree
a tree without leaves symbolizes the loss of a loved one, it can also
be a symbol of remembrance of the ones who you have lost.
20. Micro Pine
tattoos are in, and the amount of detail in this pine is incredible.
Who could have thought to have the symbol of serenity be so compact?
21. Radiant Tree of Life
tree of life is certainly more of an artistic representation, however
the symbolism of life’s continuous cycle is still present.
22. 2 Trees
is common for friends to get tattoos that either match or go together
is some way, these various pine tree tattoos may symbolize serenity, but
they also symbolize unity to these friends.
23. Celtic Willow
tree of life representation, this willow representation may possess a
strong meaning of both the cycle of life and that of healing. The Celtic
knot work below it suggests the continuous nature of life and the never
ending cycle.
24. Beautiful Pine
Pine trees are majestic in their own way, and the serenity that they symbolize stands tall on this girl’s spine.
25. Life of the Pine
this tattoo is likely a symbol of remembrance to the wearer, it
possesses many elements that are different from a traditional tree of
life. The pine standing for serenity and the tree of life for the cycle
of life, could mean this tattoo has a symbol of peace with the loss of
the loved one scrawled above the tree.
26. Painted Pine
this is of a pine, this tree tattoo seems as though it was painted with
watercolors and took the shape of the pine by mistake.
27. Budding Cherry Tree
budding cherry tree symbolizes reverence and understanding as well as
beauty to many Asian cultures as it symbolizes the beauty of the cycle
of life.
28. Small Forest
grouping of trees can be used for a variety of different meanings, it
could symbolize friendship or the loss of several loved ones. It is also
hard to depict the types of trees to provide more insight.
29. Love Birds on a Branch
tattoo certainly symbolizes unity or monogamy with another person. The
pair of birds on this branch can easily be seen as one.
30. Cypress Circle
The cypress in the center of this circle may represent a circle of protection, or that of sorrow.
31. Love of the Forest
of the type of trees in this tattoo, this individual is certainly
showing their love of nature with the variety of different elements
present in this beautiful tattoo.
32. Resilient Pine
pine tattoo, while possessing the symbolism for the tree of life, could
represent the serenity and resilience of life’s continuous cycle.
33. Fingered Roots
bark is the most prevalent part of this tree, however it is difficult
to know what kind of tree it could be. It could stand for sacrifice or
healing depending on the type of tree.
34. Celtic Tree of Life
more traditional tree of life tattoo shows the interconnected branches
and roots of the tree, more commonly seen in Celtic tattoos, symbolizing
vitality, strength, and knowledge.
35. Tiny Micro Pine
This adorably tiny pine tree is perfectly located to provide a reminder of serenity as well as look amazing.
36. The Old Oak
oak symbolizes endurance, strength, and bravery, while the bare
branches normally symbolize death. Perhaps this tattoo is that of the
bravery in the face of death.
37. Spooky Tree
tree is adorably spooky and provides only the creepy feelings that a
bare tree can, reminding us of death and the onset of winter.
38. Gloomy Forest
this tattoo is simply awe inspiring with detail, the bare branches
symbolize death as well as remembrance of those that have been lost. It
is almost as if this tattoo was painted on rather than tattooed into the
skin with all of the details that are showing.
39. Giant Pine
though the detail in this pine tattoo is unbalanced, it still remains a
symbol of serenity and peace. Maybe a symbol of peace and acceptance of
things when they are unbalanced.
40. Great Tree of Life
big back piece of a tree of life is a great and beautiful reminder of
the ever changing cycle of life and possesses many wonderful details.
There is a great amount of detail in the bark of the tree as well as the
sparse leaves, however it is a little hard to interpret due to the
amount that cannot be seen.
41. Branches in the Night
very realistic looking tattoo of a bare tree under the moon is breath
taking, though the meaning of this tattoo has much to do with death and
the light of the moon signifying strength or the power of one’s spirit.
The tiniest of details can be seen in this tattoo providing a wonderful
image that will captivate you in an instant.
42. Micro Palm
this palm tree may be small, the symbolism of the tropics and beaches
is a large concept. It also represents truth and aspirations making it a
perfect tattoo to remind one of their dream of visiting the ocean.
43. Cherry Tree Branches and Blooms
Cherry Blossoms are incredibly popular and the symbolism behind them are very feminine as they are a symbol of beauty.
44. Pine among the Flowers
This tall pine while hidden among the flower is a beautiful tribute to serenity among these purple floral buds.
45. Tree with Worldly Roots
this tattoo could have something to do with the song To Build a Home by
Cinematic Orchestra, it is another perfect example of a tree of life
and how it evolves throughout the world.
46. Dogwood Blossoms
flowers of the dogwood tree are prized for both their scent and beauty,
they make an interesting tattoo choice as they symbolize apathy and
indifference. Like the cherry tree, the dogwood possesses several
meanings of femininity and beauty, and is enjoyed just as much as the
cherry tree as well.
47. Twisted Branches and Roots of Life
is another unique interpretation of a tree of life in that it is hard
to determine the roots from the branches until the spring buds
symbolizing rebirth are noticed.
48. Cypress Branches
though it is hard to tell if the branch on this person’s forearm is
that of a cypress or a pine, the choice to put a symbol of either in
that place is certainly curious.
49. Budding Tree
cycle of a tree can tell you a great deal about the meaning of the
tattoo as spring buds symbolize healing and rebirth. Though the most
interesting part of this tattoo is likely to be the trunk dripping away
as though it is fading.
50. Thin Pine
is another example of a pine tattoo symbolizing serenity. Though this
tree is fairly basic in that it is seen frequently, it still represents
something special to the wearer. You could almost get lost in the tiny
details of this tree.
51. Tall and Narrow Pine
all pine trees are the same in nature and they shouldn’t be in tattoos
as well, the long trunk leading to the top of the pine may suggest a
long life. The beauty and uniqueness of this pine tattoo is just the
beginning as it allows for various other interpretations
52. Bare Cypress
bare cypress is certainly a symbol of the passing of someone and the
sorrow. It is possible that this sad looking cypress could be a sad
pine, but the rounded bottom of the tree in this tattoo suggests
53. Heart of the Tree of Life
not often seen, this interpretation of a tree of life is definitely one
of tradition as the tree grows from the heart. The heart is a strong
symbol as it means numerous things all over the world, but the tree of
life growing from it suggests that the heart is the fuel of the tree.
54. Watercolor Painted Tree
interesting painting of an oak has all the details of a watercolour
work of art, though the oak symbolizes durability, strength, and
55. Swinging in the Oak
strong oak still possesses the symbol of bravery, while the swing set
suggests a happy childhood place. Many of us may have thought we showed
bravery as kids by jumping off of the swing making the oak a perfect fit
for this tattoo. Not only reminding the wearer of childhood activities
but of simpler times.
56. Blossomed Cherry Tree
that this is a cherry tree, the beauty and femininity is still
suggested even if the tree itself appears a little rough.
57. Cherry in Full Bloom
Japan, the cherry tree symbolizes the first days of school to students
and while there are still many meanings of femininity and beauty, it is
also that of a beginning. This stunning cherry tree tattoo embodies all
of those meanings with ease.
58. Namaste Willow
willow symbolizes many things, including that of healing and freedom as
well as inner vision. This particular willow tattoo is often seen among
those who practice yoga providing a peaceful balance of healing and
59. The Frame
another hard to identify spring tree, this intriguing tattoo could be a
reminder of a new day or new beginnings that have not yet come or that
has already passed.
60. Curved Oak
beautiful tree bending with the wind is a perfect symbol of strength
bending with the wind rather than fighting against it. While strength is
important, sometimes the strongest thing that can be done is to go with
the wind and not against it. If you liked a particular tattoo or
have a different point of view about the meanings of any of these 60
tattoos, feel free to let us know. While this is only one interpretation
of the meaning behind these wonderful trees, we are always interested
in your thoughts. For those who have or want to get a tattoo of a tree,
what tree would you choose and the symbolism of that particular tree to
you. Trees are an important part of life as they help to provide food,
materials for shelter, and produce some of the air that we breathe. Each
tree is a beautiful reminder of the strength and beauty that many of us
over look each and every day.
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